Introducing the Pre-Patternmaking Checklist!

The Pre-Patternmaking Checklist will help you to organize your thoughts and ensure you have everything needed to work with a professional.

Which one are you?:

A) You are just getting started, your mind is swimming with ideas, possibilities and questions. Where do you start, what do you need, how do you get to a finalized product?

B) You have been going along, just doing your own thing, but you question the quality of your output and really need a professional eye.

C) Business has been good. You’ve managed so far, but now need a little more support and polish for your products.

D) Fashion has always been in the back of your mind as something you really want to do. You have had a successful career in another field, but it’s time. Usually you are the person in the know and in charge, but now you are feeling that you are lost.

If any of these scenarios sounds like you, then at some point you are going to need to hire a patternmaker. Hiring a pro is a big step- it’s an investment and it shows you are ready to grow your brand. You want to make a good impression and present a professional image. You want to be taken seriously.

As a professional patternmaker for over 20 years, I’ve worked with so many designers for both big brands and small startups. Each designer’s situation is different from one to the next.

However, I’ve always found myself asking for some basic starting points. Every. Single. Time.

Do you want to know what I ask for every single time? Hold tight, I got ya!

This is where The Garmenta Apparel Pre-Patternmaking Checklist comes in. If you have this information ready when you talk to a patternmaker, you are golden! Even if you don’t have all the boxes ticked on the list, at least you will know what to gather and maybe have additional questions to ask. If you are prepared and organized, the process should go smoothly and efficiently.


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