Think it’s a “Simple” Garment? Think Again

Scaling Your Fashion Business

The Importance of Building a Strong Relationship with Your Manufacturer

A Look at the Different Types of Samples

Why Sample Making is Important for Your Apparel Brand

Should You Go to Fashion School?

How to Choose the Right Manufacturer for Your Fashion Line

Embracing Failure- How Setbacks can Propel Your Fashion Business Forward

What is Industry Standard?

Think You Aren’t Ready? Think Again

Understanding the “Why’s” behind Minimum Order Quantities (M.O.Qs) for Your Fashion Brand

How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Think Bigger!

Making Tech Packs Work For Your Apparel Business
Tech packs do not need to be complex or hard to do. Read about how to make tech packs work for your apparel brand.

How to Fit a Garment

What Working with a Pattern Maker Remotely Looks Like

Should You be Fixing Your Pattern Makers Work?

Do You Really Need a Tech Pack?

How to Extend Your Size Range

Adding Apparel Products to your YouTube or Podcasting Business
If you are a content creator on YouTube, or a podcaster looking to add merchandise to your product offering- start here! Learn the basics of what it takes to create branded apparel.

Should You be Implementing 3D Technology for Your Apparel Brand?
Wondering if you should take the leap and dive into 3D techology for your brand? Here’s my personal take on how it can be factored into your workflow.