Tech Pack Development-

Your Manufacturing Playbook

You want to show up prepared and ready to work with a manufacturer, whether it be overseas or someone local to you. To be taken seriously you will need to have a tech pack.

But it’s really confusing, right? You’ve seen examples and they look complex…

I’ll help by developing straightforward and comprehensive tech packs. I’ve worked in apparel manufacturing for 20 years and I know EXACTLY what your factory needs to know and what they will actually take the time to review so your product is perfect.

Forget overly complicated documents. Get your manufacturer EXACTLY what they need with less fluff that they won’t read.

Your Tech Pack Questions Answered

  • A tech pack is the instruction manual for your product. It is the record of changes, revisons and docments all components that make up your product.

  • Every product you make should have a tech pack. It serves as the official record. A manufacturer will request one so they know exactly what your product entails.

  • A tech pack contains multiple pages that detail every aspect of your product inclusing: specifications, components, shipping standards, and labeling.

  • Get in touch and we will discuss what you are making and where you are starting from. We will go over lots of details like sizing, if you have a garment, a sketch or a pattern, and what you will be using to make your garment.

The Tech Pack Development Process

  • Step 1

    We discuss your idea, goals, and what you will be working with.

  • Step 2

    A comprehensive tech pack

    is developed for your needs

  • Step 3

    You review the first draft and discuss any missing/pending information to be added.

  • Step 4

    A completed tech pack is delivered to your inbox, ready for you to send to you manufacturer.

Tech Pack Development service

Includes digital, production-ready tech packs and technical illustrations so you are ready to work with a manufacturer.

Ideal For:

  • Clothiers that want to ensure consistency and standards

  • Apparel brands that need to be super organized because you are working with multiple manufacturers

  • Busy designers who are tired to sorting through old emails for their product details and need a comprehensive manual for each product.

  • New designers and fashion startups looking to bring their ideas to life