Your Pattern Maker is not a Psychic
Pattern makers don’t have every single answer. It’s up to you to help provide the right supporting information that is specific to your brand and vision.

Three Mistakes You May be Making with Your Pattern Grading
Find out the three most common mistakes that I see DIY grading or anyone getting their patterns graded for the first time. It’s not too late to make it right!

Break up or Make up: Are You and Your Pattern Maker Working Out?
Sometimes relationships work and sometimes they don’t. Finding the right pattern making partner is no different and it’s worthwhile to review that relationship if you are not getting the results you need.

Fashion Ethics: Stealing and Copying and Referencing

All About Samplemaking
When Do You Need Markers?

Should You Start a Sizing Revolution?

What You Need to Know Before Purchasing a Dressform

Preparing to Get Your Garment Samples Made: Cost and Requirements

Fabric or Pattern: What to Prioritize First?

3 Options for Getting Your Patterns Printed

How to Find and Hire a Patternmaker

How Many Garments Should be in Your First Fashion Collection?

5 Things Your Pattern Grader can do to Improve Your Workflow and Ensure Accuracy

Introducing the Pre-Patternmaking Checklist!

What Grading Up to Plus Sizes Looks Like

Digital Files that Your Patternmaker will Provide

The One Thing You Need to Make Home Sewing Patterns

Should You be Using Yourself as a Fit Model?